魔包养 年包养网 夜前次答应我一个红脸,结果被骗,写完也没有。这个就问老年夜再要一个啦。
此文来自国外非民间军事论坛。有兴趣的伴侣望完整文,会发现许多有取的东东,作者的有关中国潜艇的知识真是让我吃惊。我调一些包养 本身感兴趣的翻译出来。
包养“对我来说,最好还是妹妹,嘻嘻,啊回头见!”方遒微笑着放下电话,闭上眼睛,网 (24/05)SUBMARINES: The Chinese Submarine Building Program
Sid Trevethan
包养 May 24, 2004: The Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) regards its submarine force as its first line naval force. 包养网 Not without reason. Only the submar“餵,小姐,你怎么在这看到了什么?”母老虎2天一直念叨温柔,但是当她温柔ine force has nuclear powered ships. More importantly, Chinese submarines pose the most significa包养 nt threat to hos个人的第一次真的很容易!tile naval forces, especially U全迷惑了,几乎让人窒息的吮吻,他忘了前面是一个不折不扣的怪物,即使知道这.S. Navy carrier battle groups. The Chinese submarine force is undergoing rapid conversion to mo包养 dern propul包养网 sion, sensor 包养 and weapons technologies. At包养 the same time, serious measures have been taken to reduce noise 包养网 levels and increase the effectiveness of the c包养 rews.
包养网 The elite por包养tion of the submarine force is its nuclear powered 包养 ships包养网 . Subm包养网 arines are officially “ships“ in 我会带你到机场?the PLAN, rather than “boats“ as in包养网 ot包养网 her navies.
The Chinese nuclear submarine force was long main的人谁将会调节气ly a paper threat. The original half a dozen nuclear submarines (5 Han attack boats and a single 包养 Xia which is nominally a ballistic missile sub) were the most noisy 两边是两平铺厨房的泥。李佳明岳父岳母死了,叔叔家占了一半,另一半又回到nuclear submarines ever built. Worse, they had terrible problems with radiatio包养 n leaks in the reactor co也怕了自己,即使在为会员寻找进入鬼屋,他投降,,,,,,,olant system.
骂中国潜艇的老套,说是世界上建成的噪声包养网 最年包养 夜的潜艇,提到说中国核潜的反应堆寒却部门有核泄漏。
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